Conversion Chart for Cooking

Conversion Chart for Cooking

Being able to quickly convert measurements of recipes is a fairly important task/ skill when you are cooking. Memorizing conversions can be confusing, so here’s a conversion chart.

US Dry Volume Measurements 

1/16 teaspoon  dash 
1/8 teaspoon  a pinch 
3 teaspoons  1 Tablespoon 
1/8 cup  2 tablespoons (= 1 standard coffee scoop) 
1/4 cup  4 Tablespoons 
1/3 cup  5 Tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon 
1/2 cup  8 Tablespoons 
3/4 cup  12 Tablespoons 
1 cup  16 Tablespoons 
1 Pound  16 ounces 

US liquid volume measurements 

8 Fluid ounces  1 Cup 
1 Pint  2 Cups (= 16 fluid ounces) 
1 Quart  2 Pints (= 4 cups) 
1 Gallon  4 Quarts (= 16 cups) 

US to Metric Conversions 

1/5 teaspoon  1 ml (ml stands for milliliter, one thousandth of a liter) 
1 teaspoon  5 ml 
1 tablespoon  15 ml 
1 fluid oz.  30 ml 
1/5 cup  50 ml 
1 cup  240 ml 
2 cups (1 pint)  470 ml 
4 cups (1 quart)  .95 liter 
4 quarts (1 gal.)  3.8 liters 
1 oz.  28 grams 
1 pound  454 grams

Metric to US Conversions 

1 milliliter  1/5 teaspoon 
5 ml  1 teaspoon 
15 ml  1 tablespoon 
30 ml  1 fluid oz. 
100 ml  3.4 fluid oz. 
240 ml  1 cup 
1 liter  34 fluid oz. 
1 liter  4.2 cups 
1 liter  2.1 pints 
1 liter  1.06 quarts 
1 liter  .26 gallon 
1 gram  .035 ounce 
100 grams  3.5 ounces 
500 grams  1.10 pounds 
1 kilogram  2.205 pounds 
1 kilogram  35 oz. 

Pan Size Equivalents 

9-by-13-inches baking dish  22-by-33-centimeter baking dish 
8-by-8-inches baking dish  20-by-20-centimeter baking dish 
9-by-5-inches loaf pan  23-by-12-centimeter loaf pan (=8 cups or 2 liters in capacity) 
10-inch tart or cake pan  25-centimeter tart or cake pan 
9-inch cake pan  22-centimeter cake pan 


Source – Kathy Maister’s Start Cooking