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Want to Learn The Basics of Cooking, Or Hone Skills You Already Have? Consider A Cooking Class

Want to Learn The Basics of Cooking, Or Hone Skills You Already Have? Consider A Cooking Class

Are you thinking about taking a cooking class, but don't know if it's worth it? Here are some reasons why you should pursue a cooking class...

1. Cooking classes are fun

Having fun, meeting new people and simply enjoying a new experience are all great reasons to enroll in a cooking class. Whether you sign up as a couple, with your best friend or for a mother-daughter experience, you're sure to have a few laughs.

2. Cooking classes teach you new things

You can watch all the cooking TV shows you want, but nothing gives you the hands-on experience of being in a real live class with a real live teacher. You can learn from an instructor who does things in real time without "the magic of TV" speeding up all the steps — talk about hard to follow!

Your instructor can also coach you on proper techniques while answering your cooking questions — and there's no need to rewind your DVR.

3. Cooking classes allow you to try new foods

Who knows, you may have a hidden flair for rolling sushi or be able to cook Thai dishes worthy of royalty, but how will you know unless you take a class? Often, cooking dishes outside of your own culture come with scads of new — and sometimes expensive — ingredients that you don't already have in your kitchen.

An exotic cooking class can get your feet wet and see if you enjoy a special type of cooking without breaking the bank.

4. Cooking classes improve your palette

In a cooking class you not only get to cook interesting dishes, you get to sample them as well. Bonus points if you sign up for a class that teaches you about pairing wines, as you'll get to sip those all evening as well.

5. Cooking classes make a unique date night

Tired of dinner and a movie? A cooking class is a fun way to differentiate from your usual Friday night routine. Surprise your honey by signing up for a class or make it a monthly ritual.

6. Cooking classes teach you to perfect a dish

Everybody needs a go-to, signature dish to wow guests at birthday gatherings and family get-togethers alike. How cool would it be if your perfect dish is gourmet instead of the same-old tater tot casserole?

Pay attention during the class and so you can replicate the dish from the comfort of your own kitchen, even without a professional chef looking over your shoulder.

7. Cooking classes teach you to cook like a pro

Have you ever wondered how TV chef's make that flame erupt from the pan without burning the food - or their eyebrows? Or do you wish you knew how to chop 300 carrots a minute? A cooking class can teach new techniques that can make you look and feel like a pro.

How to choose between cooking classes

When deciding which cooking class is right for you, you need to decide what your goals are.

Are you hoping to experiment with a new type of cuisine? If so, maybe a sushi making or Indian cuisine class is for you.

Or, are you a novice who can barely use a can opener? Then maybe a beginner's class that covers the basics is what you need.

The length of the class ranges from a one evening experience, which is more social in nature, to semester-long courses at culinary institutes, for those considering a career.

Whatever your motivation for wanting to take a class, you're sure to have good food and great fun. Besides, if in the end you decide you prefer take-out or cooking from the box, that's okay too — at least you gave cooking the old college try, right?

Eddie Pile
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You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

What we eat directly impacts our bodies and overall. Food affects everything from our energy levels and mood, to our weight and ability to complete tasks. What we put into our bodies is what sustains us throughout the day, so it’s important to eat nutrient-packed foods that will set us up with an energized body and positive attitude. It is also important to realize that nutrition is a huge factor in staying healthy and avoiding potential diseases or other issues.

Let’s look at some tips to help you adopt a healthier, balanced diet:

  • Plan Ahead – We often find ourselves relying on outside food multiple times a week, whether its grabbing lunch at work or going out to get a bite for dinner. With work, family, friends, and commitments it’s convenient to buy meals on the go. By planning meals out at the beginning of the week, we avoid last-minute unhealthy choices. Packing a lunch and cooking dinner will allow you to choose healthier options and improve the quality of your food intake.
  • Pack Snacks – It’s always a good idea to have a few healthy snack options with you so you can avoid a situation where you are desperate for food and have to turn to an unhealthy option. Pack a bag of nuts or fruits, and have it with you in case you need a quick snack.
  • Focus on Healthier Foods – Eating healthier foods will hugely benefit your overall health. Not only will your waist size thank you, but your energy levels will be higher, and you will work more efficiently and effectively throughout the day. Focus on eating protein and nutrient-rich foods like fish, lean meats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and try to avoid foods that are high in saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and cholesterol such as deserts and baked goods.
  • Improve Your Eating Habits – A great way to improve your diet is to become conscious of your eating habits and identify routines that are unhealthy and unnecessary. One of the most common habits is eating when you are bored. Asking yourself if you are hungry before grabbing a snack is a good way to avoid consuming unnecessary calories. Another good habit to adopt is to take your time while eating. This way you will be more likely to notice when you are actually satisfied than if you wolf down your meal and find yourself with a stomach ache because you ate too much.
  • Choose Water – Avoid drinking juices or sodas. Though they satisfy and energize you in the moment, they contain a ton of sugar that will actually leave you feeling slow and lethargic soon after. Additionally, the sugar in those drinks adds unnecessary calories to your body. Try to replace unhealthy drinks with water. Water will quench your thirst and keep you hydrated, healthy, and energized.

Remember that the types of foods that we put into our bodies are what fuels us throughout the day. Nutrition matters, so choose foods that will set you up for success! Work to become aware of your eating habits, and adopt a healthier and more balanced diet to make sure you are taking care of yourself.

From – Somos Community Care

Eddie Pile
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Benefits of Staying Active on A Daily Basis

Benefits of Staying Active on A Daily Basis

There are incredible benefits to staying active and not allowing life to take over. The world we live in screams non-involvement and complacency, so how do we reply? Escaping into our homes after work every day is not the answer. We can enjoy a better lifestyle and attitude by improving our health, and there are plenty of activities that you can choose from to stimulate your physical system adding more happiness to your life.

Regardless of age or fitness level, research shows that everyone from mall-walkers to professionals receives fantastic benefits from consistent activity. When you are aware of the benefits, getting inspired to participate in some sort of physical activity every day makes it all seem worthwhile.

Learning From Your Childhood, Whether Active or Inactive

As a child I was extremely active, running, swimming, playing sports and more, but when I got into my twenties, work and college consumed my day and my activity level dropped. After I graduated from college, I joined a gym and went religiously five times a week; I enjoyed working out with others who also liked to workout, and I became addicted to the stress release and dopamine rush that I got, but I was healthy and rarely got sick; I generally felt good.

After 10 years of working out at the gym, I found that I could get a great aerobic workout while burning excess calories just as easily by walking, jogging, bicycling and swimming, and I could do them on my own schedule.

Choosing Exercise that brings the Best Results

Many people join a gym to build muscle and generally promote better health, but studies show that any exercise that accelerates the heart rate for 30 minutes accomplishes the goal. Choosing activities that work for you is key to your program because if you like them, you will be committed to doing them. Staying consistent with your exercise is significant to staying fit, and though professionals may suggest the gym or a workout video are the only "real" ways to stay fit, organized exercise is just one way.

Walking, running, biking, swimming, dancing or playing a game of tennis for a least a half-hour will significantly accelerate your heart rate, though it is doing the activity daily that is the prescription for a lifetime of wellness. To stay in your best health, switch between two or three favorite exercises during the month. This proves to be more effective than doing the same one for years.

The reason for this is that in the workout you want to involve every muscle group, and one exercise typically only focuses on a certain set of muscles. For example, doing push-ups every day for a year will build super biceps and triceps, but doesn't stimulate circulation to every organ and cell, which is the goal of a successful routine.

We are made of four major areas: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and consistent exercise will improve all four. We get satisfaction, whether conscious or subconscious when one of these areas receives good attention like participating in a vigorous activity. Exercising with a partner may satisfy all four areas for some people. This satisfaction comes from on-purpose activity for a half hour every day, and the longer you are at it, the better you'll feel.

Benefits of Staying Fit with Consistent and Fun Activities

Lowers Stress Levels

The office and the traffic can get overwhelming, but with a 30-minute workout, walking on the treadmill or taking a half-hour bike ride, tension and stress that collects in muscles and joints, and causes headaches is released. What a relief!

Promotes Weight Loss

Let's not forget the calories that burn off, and the weight that begins to melt off with consistent exercise.

Improves the function of your mind

The brain is simply another muscle, so stimulating exercise and a nutritious diet will keep it performing well. Studies show that working out between age 25 and 45 boosts the chemicals in the brain for both long and short term memory, and staying active after 45 maintains proper functioning for a lifetime

Deletes worry from the brain

Physical exercise naturally relaxes muscles and knots of tension that build up over several days, and good activity also increases norepinephrine, a chemical that calms the brain in response to stress. Endorphins are also released, so it's a Win-Win.

Is a boost for self-confidence

Typically, after exercising and a shower, you will feel like a million bucks! On a very basic level, physical fitness boosts self-esteem and promotes a positive self-image that will quickly elevate your perspective and give you a healthy glow.

Helps memory

Regular physical activity keeps the blood flow strong, which improves the ability to learn new things as well as memory. The brain is a muscle, and increased blood flow for a limited time daily keeps the production of cells high in the hippocampus, which is where memory and learning abilities are located. Research has proven that running improved memory and new learning vocabulary in both adults and children. This explains why children and adults need regular exercise.

Get more done during the day

I know it sounds crazy, but when you give up a half-hour out of your day to activate your body and relax your mind, that half-hour allows you to answer some of the day's pressing problems, which saves you time in the long run. With distractions out of the way, it's much easier to tap into your creative nature. What a workout!

Inspiration to others

Research shows that most people perform better when they have a loyal workout buddy. See if your mate or friend would like to join you.

Staying Active is a Healthy Alternative

The positive benefits from staying active far outweigh the inconvenience or being too tired. Find a time and an aerobic activity that fits your schedule and make it part of your lifestyle. When you regularly connect with that place in yourself that is peaceful and calm, the benefits will materialize.

You can use the benefits listed here, staying in shape, reduced bouts of sickness, self-confidence and thinking clearer as motivation for a better life. The opportunities to choose from are endless, and this perfect time for those sitting on the fence of participation to choose an activity and get started.

Source –

Eddie Pile
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Summer Nutrition Tips for Good Health

Summer Nutrition Tips for Good Health

  1. Get outdoors.Be active outdoors daily since we absorb many essential nutrients from the sun, especially vitamin D. We can also glean some of the sun nutrients by eating food that is grown in the sun, such as fruit, berries, herbs, and vegetables, preferably organic. Expose your arms and legs to the sun (without sunscreen) for about 30 minutes 3 times a week for optimal vitamin D levels.
  2. Breathe fresh air.Oxygen is obviously essential to health and life in general, but most people are oxygen deprived due to shallow breathing habits. Be mindful to take full, deep breaths and exhale completely, especially when outdoors in the fresh air. Interestingly, the best way to get adequate oxygen to every cell in the body is by staying fully hydrated.
  3. Drink enough water.  Drink plenty of clean, filtered water to keep your body hydrated, to help metabolize food, and to flush out toxins. The general guideline is to drink a minimum of 8 eight-ounce glasses a day OR half of your body weight in ounces.
  4. Balance your foods. Eat a balance of carbohydrate (primarily vegetables and a small amount of fruit), lean or plant-based protein, and healthy fats throughout the day. Your nutrient requirements depend on your individual metabolic needs, so choosing a variety of foods is your best bet.
  5. Combine food wisely.Avoid combining meat protein with starchy carbohydrates (such as bread or potatoes) at the same meal. Instead choose lean protein (such as turkey, chicken, tuna or veggie burgers) with a variety of raw vegetables or salad. Or choose an open-faced vegetarian sandwich on sprouted grain bread, with hummus, nut butter, avocado or cheese topped with lettuce or sprouts.

 Source – Mayo Clinic.

Eddie Pile
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How to Talk to Your Kids About Nutrition

How to Talk to Your Kids About Nutrition

Taking the time to teach your kids about nutrition is one of the best steps you can take to help support healthy growth

As a parent, you want your children to have the healthiest food possible, but good nutrition for kids goes beyond what's being served at the kitchen table today. Even though your kids might need your help now, they'll be making their own decisions about food before you know it.

Pediatric nutrition research scientist with Abbott gives insight on how you can give them some direction for solid nutrition education.

Keep It Age Appropriate

You know that kids' growth requires a healthy diet with plenty of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, but how do you translate that information into kid-speech?

Younger children tend to do best with simple explanations that are easy to remember. Instead of trying to explain the science, tell them that "milk helps your bones grow" or "pasta gives you the energy to run faster" and helpful reminders like "eat the colors of the rainbow" to get the vitamins you need to stay healthy. Use a helpful tool like the graphic below to help your little one understand the food groups.

Older Children

Older children can handle more detailed information, and to keep it engaging, you might focus on everyday examples that are relatable to them. Next time your child asks why you're having chicken for dinner again, you can explain that chicken is packed with protein to provide the building blocks for muscle — which could help with performance on the soccer field. When your child is fighting a cold, offer a bowl of fresh fruit and let them know that fruits and vegetables contain key antioxidants that can help their immune system.

Snack Smart

When you're trying to steer your child toward better food choices, it can be tempting to focus only on breakfast, lunch and dinner meals, but snacks can have a big impact, too. [According to recent National Health And Nutrition Examination survey data, for U.S. children, ages 2-5 years, snacks can make up about 30 percent of daily calories, and many of those snacks are often from low-nutrient snacks, desserts and candy.

Help your kids make better choices throughout the day by packing their bags with snacks that provide vitamins and minerals, protein and healthy fiber. Fresh fruit and yogurt, celery with peanut butter or trail mix/protein bars are all great examples of healthy snacks that kids will love. And, don't be afraid to offer the occasional treat — a good balance can help teach kids to make healthy choices down the road.

Help Kids Cook

Kids are more likely to be interested in healthy foods if you make nutrition fun. Many kids love helping their parent's shop at the grocery store — turn it into a teachable moment and help them understand how to choose different types of food. Meal prep is also an easy way to engage kids of any age. Ask your little one to stir a bowl of pancake batter or to tear lettuce leaves for salad. Older kids can take on more complicated tasks like peeling and dicing veggies and measuring ingredients.

Involving kids in food shopping and preparation not only teaches them valuable life skills, it also helps them learn about what goes into their favorite foods.

Teach Healthy Habits

Good nutrition means getting all the vitamins and minerals you need, but it also means enjoying lots of different foods. Make time for relaxed family meals that give your children the opportunity to really appreciate the food you prepare. Not only do they give you time to bond, regular meals help to establish a healthy eating schedule with a few snacks in between meals rather than grazing or eating small amounts throughout the day.

Eating together and talking about the way food tastes and what goes into it can also help kids develop a healthy relationship with food and eating. Because it takes time for fullness signals to travel from the stomach to the brain, slower, more mindful meals teach kids to tap into their sense of satiety to prevent overeating.

When it comes to nutrition for kids' growth, the most persuasive message of all may be nonverbal. Parents are a powerful influence in shaping children's food preferences and habits. If you prepare, eat and enjoy lots of nutritious foods, the chances are good that your child will eventually follow your healthy example.

Source – Abbott

Eddie Pile
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5 Tips to Survive Extreme Heat

5 Tips to Survive Extreme Heat

Byrne – who has been working in the roofing business for nearly 25 years – said the average temperature in Glendale, Arizona during the summer is about 115 degrees. 

"Basically at 100 degrees, it's not too bad," he said. "At about 110 [degrees], you start feeling it, and at 120 [degrees], you start losing productivity." 

The company holds monthly safety meetings on heatstroke and exhaustion to remind its staff of smart protocol.  

Here are some strategies Bryne and his roofing employees use to stay cool. Adapt them to fit your needs whether you're outside all day or working in your garden for the afternoon.

1. Hydration is key 

Hydrating at frequent intervals is critical, rather than waiting until you’re at your maximum thirst. 

“The minute you think you need a drink, stop and take the drink right then,” Byrne said. “If you don't you'll end up getting heat exhaustion.”

2. Drink cool – not cold – water

This distinction makes all the difference. Byrne described the sensation from drinking extremely cold water like getting a brain freeze from a Slurpee, except amplified.

3. Start early

If you’re working outside, make every effort to start before the sun comes up or at least before it’s reached its peak. 

His company routinely starts work at about 5 a.m., and the crews try to finish up by 1 p.m., says Byrne.

4. Stay wet

If he notices that somebody has stopped sweating, Byrne recognizes it as the first sign of heat exhaustion. He’s experienced it more than once. 

"No matter what that individual is doing, he needs to go sit in the shade, sip some water – just sip it, don't chug it – and just get yourself off the roof and in the shade," he said. 

When working with metal roofing, Byrne said, he brings a hose up and douses himself with water to stay cool.

5. Dress strategically

Although the roofers are required to wear long sleeves, Byrne said he wears light colors to reflect the sun. 

Even the color of your footwear is significant – Byrne said white shoes versus dark shoes could mean the difference between having cool feet and feeling like you have blisters. 

Source – CNN 

Eddie Pile
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Tips to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Tips to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Staying healthy is not only about eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. It also has a lot to do with adopting hygienic and clean habits or routines. Here are some simple yet essential ways in which you can add to your hygiene and become healthier. 

Who doesn’t love a sparkling smile and a set of healthy teeth? 

But with unhealthy eating habits and a lazy attitude towards dental hygiene this is a dream for many. There are billions of bacteria living inside our mouths at any given time. Many of these bacteria build up as plaque, causing tooth decay (cavities) and gingivitis, which can lead to periodontal (gum) disease. For a healthy smile, you must practice good oral hygiene every day. A good oral hygiene means you can chew well and can avoid toothaches and discomfort. 

Here are a few simple ways to maintain good oral hygiene:

  1. Start children early. One in four young children develops signs of tooth decay before they start school. Half of all children between the ages of 12 and 15 have cavities. Dental care should begin as soon as a child’s first tooth appears, usually around six months.
  2. Use enough — but not too much — fluoride. The use of fluoride helps strengthen enamel, making it less likely to decay. Many toothpastes and mouth rinses contain fluoride. 
  3. Brush twice a day and floss daily. Gum disease and tooth decay remain big problems for all age groups. Here are a few things to take care:
  • Toothbrushes should be changed 3 to 4 times a year. 
  • Teenagers with braces need special toothbrushes and other oral hygiene tools, consult your orthodontist. 
  1. Rinse after meals. In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse/ mouthwash can help prevent decay and gum problems.
  2. Block blows to teeth. Sports and recreational activities build healthy bodies, but they can pose a threat to teeth. Consult your dentist for more details on a mouth guard for contact sports activities.
  3. Eat smart. At every age, a healthy diet is essential to healthy teeth and gums. A well-balanced diet of whole foods — including grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products — will provide all the nutrients you need.

Source – Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research Institute

Eddie Pile
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Benefits of Using Mouthwash

Benefits of Using Mouthwash

Brushing and flossing are the best ways to avoid oral health issues like gingivitis. If you add mouthwash into the equation you’re set for success. Mouthwash is an effective tool in the fight against tooth decay, gingivitis, as well as the promotion of healthy teeth and gums. Here are just a couple benefits from using mouthwash. 

1. Freshens breath – First and foremost, and most obviously, mouthwash temporarily reduces bad breath. With a variety of flavours to choose from, mouthwash kills bacteria associated with causing bad breath leaving you with minty fresh breath. 

2). Prevents Plaque build-up – Various mouthwashes help prevent plaque build up on your gums, in-between teeth, and on the surface of your teeth in between brushing. Although it prevents the build up of plague, it cannot reduce the plaque that already exists on your teeth. So remember to always brush and floss to remove the plaque before it becomes a problem. 

3. Removes particles – Most people use mouthwash only after brushing. While this is a good practice, mouthwash can also be used before brushing to rinse out any loose particles in your mouth making your brushing and flossing more effective. 

4. Stop cavities from forming – With regular use of mouthwash before and after you brush and floss, you can reduce the chances of cavities forming. Mouthwashes that contain fluoride can prevent cavities and strengthen your enamel. Remember, not all mouthwashes contain fluoride. Be sure to check the label on your mouthwash before purchasing. 

With regular brushing, flossing, and the use of mouthwash you can keep your mouth healthy and smelling fresh. Talk with your dentist about the importance of mouthwash and find a strategy that works for you. 

Source – Martindaledental

Eddie Pile
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The Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Liver

The Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Liver

For centuries, our ancestors wouldn’t have wanted to waste even the least “desirable” bits of food. Throughout our human history we’ve eaten nose-to-tail; that is, consumed all of the edible parts of animals and livestock. We evolved to have nutrient-rich organ meats in our diet, and despite the popularity of organ meats in earlier centuries, we now tend to favor muscle meats such as breasts, thighs and wings. 

In terms of nutrition, that means that we miss out on a host of beneficial nutrients. (It’s not great from a food waste standpoint, either!) Liver, in particular, is an extremely nutritious food, and it’s one that many of us could really use in our daily diets. Here are just a few of the health benefits of this nutritious food. 

Health Benefits of Liver 

Let’s talk about why you would want to eat it. Liver is extremely high in nutrients, and not only that, it’s high in bioavailable nutrients. This means that they are very easily absorbed by the body and are ready to use. 

Vitamin A: Liver is high in vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that’s beneficial for eye health, skin health and cellular turnover, among other things. It’s important to distinguish between bioavailable vitamin A and provitamin A (such as beta carotene), which is found in plants and acts as a precursor to our internal vitamin A production. Though we can create vitamin A from carotenoids, some of us are better at it than others. Consuming vitamin A directly is a more reliable way to obtain its benefits. 

Iron: Liver is also high in iron, which is important for muscle function, brain function and hemoglobin formation, which makes it crucial for energy production. 

Copper: Copper is an important nutrient that we often don’t hear a lot about. However, it contributes to nerve and immune system health. It also helps produce collagen, the connective tissue responsible for our bone, joint, hair, skin and nail health. 

B Vitamins: Finally, liver is a fantastic source of B vitamins. It is especially high in vitamin B12 and folate. All of the B vitamins are important for helping convert food into energy, which is extremely important for ensuring you feel energetic and vibrant in your daily life. Folate is also beneficial for cellular growth, making it extremely important for women of childbearing age.

Best Sources of Liver 

The livers of chicken, beef, goose and duck are generally the most popular sources of liver to consume. You can find liver in many grocery stores and at many butcher shops, but as with any meat, the quality and sourcing of liver is important. 

If possible, it’s best to work with a local butcher who you trust to provide excellent sources of animal products. Any type of meat from grass-fed, pasture-raised livestock tends to be higher in omega-3 fatty acids than meat from conventionally raised (corn-fed) animals. 

Source – Vital Proteins

Eddie Pile
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Handwashing Should Matter to You

Handwashing Should Matter to You

Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick
Handwashing is easy to do and it's one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of many types of infection and illness in all settings—from your home and workplace to child care facilities and hospitals. Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another and throughout an entire community. 

When should you wash your hands?
Feces from people or animals is a source of germs. A single gram of human feces—which is about the weight of a paper clip—can contain one trillion germs. Help stop the spread of germs by washing your hands often, especially during key times listed below. 

  • Before, during, and after preparing food 
  • Before eating food 
  • Before and after caring for someone who is sick 
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound 
  • After using the toilet 
  • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet 
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing 
  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste 
  • After touching garbage 

What is the right way to wash your hands? 

Follow the five steps below to wash your hands the right way every time. 

  • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. 
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. 
  • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the "Happy Birthday" song from beginning to end twice. 
  • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. 
  • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them. 

What should you do if you don't have soap and clean, running water? Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them in most situations. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of germs on hands in some situations, but sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs. 

Hand sanitizers may not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy. Furthermore, hand sanitizers might not remove harmful chemicals like pesticides and heavy metals from hands. Be cautious when using hand sanitizers around children; swallowing alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause alcohol poisoning if a person swallows more than a couple mouthfuls.

How do you use hand sanitizers? 

  • Apply the product to the palm of one hand (read the label to learn the correct amount). 
  • Rub your hands together. 
  • Rub the product over all surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry. 

From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

Eddie Pile
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9 Benefits of Drinking Water

9 Benefits of Drinking Water

1. It flushes out toxins
Water is a detoxifier that helps to flush out toxins and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine.

2. It promotes healthy skin
Water helps replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin, and increases the elasticity in your skin. It can also plump skin up a bit, reducing signs of aging.

3. Drinking water relieves fatigue
Consumption of water makes the body function efficiently, while dehydration decreases alertness and concentration.

4. It helps in digestion
Drinking sufficient water boosts your metabolism and helps the body properly break down food.

5. It treats headaches and migraines
Headaches and migraines are often caused by dehydration. So, to get some relief, drink plenty of water.

6. It promotes healthy skin
Water helps replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin, and increases the elasticity in your skin. It can also plump skin up a bit, reducing signs of aging.

7. It beats bad breath
Drinking water keeps your mouth moist and washes away food particles and bacteria. It also dilutes the smelly compounds that oral bacteria create.

8. It regulates body temperature
Water’s ability to release heat from the body when sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin greatly helps maintain an even body temperature.

9. It keeps you alive
At extremes, you can survive for about a month without food, but you can only survive approximately a week (at the most) without drinking water. Three to four days is more typical in terms of survival without water. So, shouldn’t you be trying to fit more water into your day? Carry a reusable water bottle to ensure it’s always close by, and be mindful of how your body feels. If you don’t feel like you’re at the top of your game, you may need more water.

Eddie Pile
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